inline fun <K, V1, V2, R> mergingFold(map1: Map<out K, V1>, map2: Map<out K, V2>, initial: R, operation1: (acc: R, Map.Entry<K, V1>) -> R, operation2: (acc: R, Map.Entry<K, V2>) -> R, operationMerge: (acc: R, key: K, value1: V1, value2: V2) -> R): R
Accumulates value starting with initial value and applying operation1 to current accumulator value and each entry of map1 which key does not appear in map2, operation2 to current accumulator value and each entry of map2 which key does not appear in map2, and operationMerge to current accumulator value and triple of a common key of the maps and both its corresponding values in map1 and map2.
the first map to fold with another.
the second map to fold with another.
initial value of the accumulation.