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Introducing Kone

· 2 мин. чтения
Gleb Minaev

Hi! I'm Gleb. I'm undergraduate math student at SPbU in Saint Petersburg, Russia. And I introduce you Kone, a library that helps you do math experiments with more ease.

Why did I create this library?

Since I was in 8th grade of school I loved to do math. And sometimes I unconsciously experimented by calculating a number of the first elements of different series. For example, the most standard problem is to found out that sum 1k+2k++nk1^k + 2^k + \dots + n^k for some fixed kk is actually a polynomial of nn (of degree k+1k+1). And there is a lot of interesting theory around the problem. So sometimes I was so impatient that I calculated the first several polynomials. But it was such a hassle to calculate them by hand. And it still is 😉. The calculations were very simple to describe but very hard to calculate manually without mistakes. So I created a small library in Python that helped me with such a hassle. After that the library was growing because of new computational problems. And at some point it was rewritten in Kotlin. But it looked like hell full of non-reusable scripts of an amateur programmer that I rewrote it in Kotlin one more time from a scratch but now on a clean architecture. Also, around this time I've got to know KMath and its authors. So I mimicked KMath in some architectural questions. And using prototype of my new library I even contributed in KMath about 37K strings of code 😅.